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Telling Better Stories, Making More Money

Yep, nonprofits are usually terrible about telling their stories, wether in newsletters, year-end-appeals, or through public presentations. I can help you greatly sharpen your storytelling abilties, and I guarantee it will result in more funds coming in the door.


Whatever your challenges in the nonprofit world, I've likely faced similar probelms before. I come at my consulting having served on 12 Boards of Directors and served twice with different organizations as Executive Director. I've worked as first-employee Director to Director of a well-established nonprofit. I want to ensure I'm a good fit, so the first hour of my services are always free. After that hour, if we both agree we're a good fit, then we can work on a contract.

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Grant Writing Training
Public Speaking Training
Nonprofit Consulting

My grant writing trainings are interactive and designed to meet your specific needs. You will not be a passive participant, but expected to use your voice to help others overcome grant writing challenges they also might face. 

Any good grant writing class should look at the whole fundraising picuture. In my class, youi'll learn how to write better year-end-appeals and how to make your case to a funder to increase the likelihood of obtaining funding.

The trainings are speciically desinged for grant writers seeking foundation and private grants, not government funds.

Does the photo above give you the shakes? If speaking to a crowd of any size makes you nervous, I offer training to make you the public speaker you never thought you could be.


My training will give you the confidence to talk to a crowd, and the next time someone pokes a microphone in your face, you'll be well prepared to present yourself as the spokesperson you always wanted to be.

The training sessions also help you to avoid common mistakes, like staring at the screen while you're talking, using inneffective slides and simply a presentation that doesn't resonate with your audience.

I've worked in the nonprofit sector since my first job almost 40 years ago. Over those many years, I've encountered many problems common to nonprofit.

I can help your organization develop a strong communication plan (both internally and externally), fundraising plan, strategic plan or any other challenges yoy may face.

I can also help with the messaging on your website and ensure you are fulfilling your potential.

I want to be a good fit, so the first hour of my consultation is always free!

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